Support bearing
I tried to get the screws out of the housing. Two screws (M8) came loose, the rest broke off while putting a bit of force on it. So I had to drill the screws out. On one place it was terrible, the screw broke and it was not possible to get it out. So I had to drill 'around' the broken drill. After getting that done the hole was not M8 anymore, I fixed it with two-component glue. See photo.
I put new screws and bolds in the holes and It looked OK.
Then I removed the bearing cover. That was terrible, the complete bearing was rusted.

I removed the balls and threw it away. After an hour of cleaning, it looked much better. I ordered 2 packs of 50 new bearing balls (10mm) and a lot of bearing ball grease. Wait for the delivery,.....I think I need about 80 balls (40 per bearing).

After delivery of the 10mm balls, I put it together again and,......came to the conclusion that 10mm is to big. The cover could not be closed, the opening was about 1.5 mm. So, I decided to get some 9mm balls, leaving 0.25 mm play for the bearing. So I am waiting now for the delivery of the 9mm balls,......
The 9mm balls gave me to much play in the bearing. So, I tried the 5.52 (3/8'). Now it is ok. I finally assembled the unit again after putting in a lot of grease,........

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