Reflector (7.89m)
March 18th 2021:
I want to take the reflector apart and check all the elements, coils, etc. The first action is to take the two dipole halfs apart. The alu tubes are better to handle then. The result is picture:
The shackle was still on the antenna and was not too bad. I think that renewing the bolds is enough for the next 25 years,...

At the coil side it looked worse. The tip alu tubes were gone and the end of the tube coming from the coil was at one side broken of for a few cm (where the cut ins were). So I needed alu tubes of 12mm, which can be get at the Bauhaus hobby store around the corner. I saw that from all the 5 radiators only one shackle was there, so I also ordered at an antenna house 4 new shackles and 4 new 12mm rubber caps. Now I started to clean the alu tubes, which is a dirty work. I did it with Brillo, iron scourer with soap in it. It works good but it is quite a lot of work. After the cleaning I took the coils apart. The rubber caps were hard and didn't came of too well. I used a knife to remove them, meaning that I need new ones (20 caps). at one side the cap should go over a 40mm tube. At the other side it is 16mm. The coils were not too bad, I cleaned them thoroughly and it looks OK. The connection to the small tube is done by a rivet, which looks good (maybe I should replace the rivet by a stainless steel bold and nut ?), and the connection to the outside tube is done by a screw (M5) and a bold, which is better than a screw in the material only. Not to forget is ordering a bag of stainless steel screws. After cleaning the outer coil it looks like on the 4th and fifth picture.
To finish the reflector I have to wait for the 12mm tubes, the end covers, some stainless steel screws. And of course clean the
other 3 coils.
All parts are delivered. And all is cleaned. The 40mm caps I got from PA3K, Thanks Hans !
Well, this is it. The reflector cleaned, repaired and packed for shipment to PA3CCX for installing.

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