Getting the hang of it,...
It is time to put a few things together. So with 4 people (PA3CCX (Hans)), PA0SIM (Jan)), PA3TEO (Theo)) and PE0MJX (Loek)), the dog of Hans as supervisor and Gerda, the wife of Hans as mental support, we have started to put a few parts together,.........look for the pictures,.....

And, yes, is a big antenna !!
We did some measurements with the famous VNE on the main radiator, and we got three nice dips in the swr curve. All were a little bit lower than the borders of the bands (10,15 and 20m). We thought that the reason was that it was only the radiator and close to the ground. So we did not have any concerns. It was going to be ok,.......
Time for a cup of coffee, time we come together for the next step, getting it in the air, but first we have to make a plan how we are going to get the antenna up, while having the possibility to get it down easily in case of necessary maintenance.
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